



If the police have contacted you and informed you that you are going to be arrested, there are two ways you can react.  You can get upset or you can consider yourself fortunate.  The truth is, most people don’t leave their homes thinking they will be arrested at some point during the day.  Having that information beforehand can be very helpful.  While getting arrested sucks, knowing you are going to get arrested is better than not knowing.  You can plan in ways that most people who are arrested can not.  Below are five tips that can be helpful given the cards that you have been dealt.



One of the worst parts of being put in jail is the fact that you will go MIA.  Many people will not know where you are.  If you are arrested without warning, you can spend at least a day or two in jail without warning.  If you know beforehand, you can work on getting your affairs in order.  Call your job and let them know you will be out or away.  Arrange for child care.  Arrange for your car to be put somewhere safe.  Pay any bills or other items that may be due during that time.  Basically, you should schedule your affairs in advance as if you are going on a short vacation.  Often, when people are arrested, they will be released pending trial or on bail.  If you will need to get bailed out, start calling people and making arrangements for bail.  In many jurisdictions, making bail arrangements prior to an arraignment can lead to your being released quicker.  Also try to get your inmate booking number and give it to your family and friends so that they can find out when you will be going to court.  It is also helpful to get the telephone number to the court, police department, and/or booking facility to your family and/or friends.  This will save time that will otherwise be spent on inmate search engines and looking for central booking sites for the number to a central booking facility.



If you have been charged with a crime and a Police Officer informs you that you have to surrender yourself, the last thing you are going to be worried about is eating.  In fact, most people will lose their appetites.  This is a serious mistake.  Just like the people that push the propaganda about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day, the meal you eat prior to getting arrested will often be quite important.  In some cases, you may not have access to food after being arrested for quite some time.  In other situations, you may get access to something that others are calling food, but that you would rather not eat.  Either way, what you eat before arrest will have a great impact on your jail experience for the first couple of hours or even the first day or two.  Avoid spicy foods and/or foods that do not agree with you.  If you are getting arrested, it is not the time to go eat spicy Indian food or Mexican food, especially if those items do not agree with you.  You know what is worse than having your stomach turning in knots?  Having to sit on the toilet with 10 or 20 strangers in an open room while they become increasingly angry about your inability to stop your meal from revisiting you in a holding cell.



You can not assume you will have access to a phone.  While you may wish to avoid people, sometimes, when you have been arrested, there is a pay phone in a cell.  In such cases, it is helpful to have a phone card that allows you to call a 1800 number instead of using coins.  Do not assume that there will be a phone.  Do not assume that if there is a phone, you will be able to use quarters or other change.  Often, the phone is full or broken.  Your best way of possibly being able to make calls is to bring some change like a roll of quarters (which may be taken from you) and a prepaid phone card.  Also be aware that you may be put under duress because you have a phone card and people may ask you to use it.  This can be very uncomfortable and in some cases dangerous.  Getting a couple in small denominations is helpful.



This is where knowing you are getting arrested before it happens can really be useful.  You may have to sit in your clothing for several days.  You also don’t know what you are going to encounter as far as temperature and conditions.  You may find yourself in a freezing room in the summer or in a hot room in the winter.  You may have to sleep on a floor or hard bench, or spending long periods of time sitting or laying on either.  You may want to dress in layers.  A top shirt or layer may double as a pillow or ground cloth.  Make sure your shoes are comfortable.  Also make sure that you look as nice as you can.  After all, at some point you will see a Judge who does not know you and will be making serious decisions about your life and freedom.  You may want to look the best you can.  You will also want to balance that with the fact that you may not see that Judge for a day or two and you will be in the same clothes.


Jail is not the time to wear your fancy watch or to show off.  Often, the police will take your stuff for safe keeping.  If you do have a situation where they take items from you, try to make sure they are vouchered and that you get a receipt.  However, the best advice is, leave your valuables at home.



If it is possible and you can afford one, you should hire an attorney before speaking to the police.  You have the right to remain silent.  It is not just a right, it is a really good idea.  Despite your inner voice telling you that you have nothing to hide, you should not speak to anyone unless you have an attorney present.  Speak to friends and family and ask for referrals for an attorney.  Attorneys who work on other types of matters for you are also a great source of referrals for a criminal attorney.  Just because your lawyer is a family lawyer, divorce attorney, immigration lawyer or personal injury lawyer does not mean that he or she does not know a good criminal lawyer!  Call people you trust and have them help you find an attorney.


 3 Ways To Find Out If Your Date Is A Sex Offender


For many people, dating can be a great experience.  Whether you are dating online on a free dating site or using social networking sites to find people, you should always make sure to do some basic checking on the people you meet.  Some people would argue that this is sound advice whether you are dating people or not.  News Flashsex offenders use the internet and often do not have any restrictions which would prevent them from being on a dating site! Here are three ways to find out if the person you just chatted with on that dating site you just joined is a registered sex offender:


1 – Search for your date’s name in a State Sex Offender Registry

If you are considering going on a date with someone, asking for his or her full name is not off limits.  This is especially true if you met the person through an online dating site like plenty of fish (, or

Once you have the person’s name, use an online sex offender database to find out if that person is listed in a state sexual offender registry.  Each state keeps a list of sex offenders and many will tell you where they live.

2 – Do A Background Search So Broad That You Could Find Out If Your Date Was A Sex Offender Even If He Lived On An Indian Reservation.

Once you let someone into your life, things can get pretty serious.  You don’t want to wait until after you are engaged or married to find out who someone really is.  The truth is, people have all sorts of things hidden in their past.  You may find that your date has been arrested before.  You may discover that there is a warrant for your boyfriend’s arrest out there.  You may find out that your spouse to be is a registered sex offender.  You may want to look at your fiancee’s credit report.  Often, a credit report can give you all sort’s of important information.  If you are going to live with this person one day, the fact that he or she may have bad credit is important to know!

Many companies provide background checks.  Because there are so many options, it is difficult to discuss all of your options in a single webpage.



3- Ask Your Date If He Is A Sex Offender! (or if she is a sex offender)

Sometimes, you have to do the most obvious thing to get the answers you are looking for.  If you are worried about the background of your date or someone that you are keeping company with, ask that person the questions you want answers to.  You can do so in a joking manner: “You aren’t a sex offender on a sex offender registry are you?”  Every now and again, the answer may not be so funny.  Date rape is on the rise.  According to the Center for Women and Families:

  • Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.(U.S. Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey)
  • 1 out of 6 women have been victims of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime. (National Institute of Justice & Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.)
  • 38% of women who have been raped were ages 14-17. (PSU)
  • 60% of rapes/sexual assaults are not reported to the police. (U.S. Department of Justice)
  • 73% of sexual assaults were committed by a non-stranger. (U.S. Department of Justice)
  • 38% of rapists are a friend of acquaintance to the victim. (U.S. Department of Justice)
  • 92% of homeless women have experienced severe physical and or/sexual violence in their lifetime. (PCAR)
  • Up to 38% of women identify sexual abuse as a reason for leaving their home. (PCAR)

Statistics on Males

  • An estimated 92,700 men are forcibly raped each year in the United States. (Tjadn & Thoemmes, 1998)
  • 3% of American men have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. (National Institute of Justice & Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.)
  • In 2003, 1 in every 10 rape victims was male. (U.S. Department of Justice)

Statistics on Children

  • 1 out of 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually assaulted by the time they are 18 years old. (Darkness to Light)
  • 15% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 12 and 44% are under age 18. (U.S. Department of Justice)
  • 93% of juvenile sexual assault victims know their attacker. (U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics)
  • Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. (RAINN)


These statistics are eye opening.  The fact is, you should be checking people out, even if that person is not a “stranger” to you.  Don’t wait until you find out that the person you met on a dating site is a stalker or the person you met on a dating site is crazy.

Want to find out if someone is a sex offender?  Check out the Sex Offender locator resources below.

Sex Offender Search Sites By STATE:

Image courtesy of Graeme Weatherston /

Suffolk County Arraignments

CentralBookingINFOLOGOWhen Does Someone See A Judge In Suffolk County?

Are you looking for someone arrested in Suffolk County?

Suffolk County is a big place.  If you are trying to find a person who was arrested in Suffolk, you may want to call the police station nearest to where in Suffolk County the person was arrested.  When a person is arrested in Suffolk County, they are taken to one of the following places:

  • A Suffolk County Police Precinct
  • A Village Police Department
  • An East End Town Police Department

Even if someone is arrested by a Village Police Department, that person will usually be taken to the Suffolk County Police Department (SCPD) for additional processing.

Click Here for a list of Police precincts in Suffolk County (SCPD Addresses).

Click Here for a list of phone numbers to SCPD Precincts.

Click here for a list of Criminal Courthouses in Suffolk County and to find the address of a Court in Suffolk.

In New York City, people who arrested go from the Police Station to Central Booking. In Suffolk County, there is no Central Booking. However, the person should still be arraigned at the Courthouse within 24 hours of arrest.  However, unlike New York City, where there can be a huge backlog of people being processed, a Suffolk County defendant can be processed and arraigned pretty quickly, many times in the same day and within hours.  Unlike arraignments in New York City, which go from the morning until 1am, arraignments in Nassau and Suffolk go until 5pm.  A person arrested is arraigned in the District Court Arraignment part.

What is an Arraignment?
An arraignment is when someone who has been arrested sees a Judge to enter a plea. At the arraignment the Court will also set a bail. In some cases, no bail is set. In Suffolk County, after someone is arrested, that person is often interviewed by the Department of Probation. The Suffolk County Department of Probation will then make a recommendation regarding the need for a bail to the Court based upon the interview with the person arrested. The person’s lawyer will make what is called a bail argument.  Please note that sometimes in Suffolk County, people are arraigned without an attorney representing them.

In Suffolk County, the District Court Arraignments take place seven days a week in Courtroom D-11. Each day, arraignments in Suffolk County start at 9:30.

Looking for Court Information?
Suffolk County District Court has a recorded information phone number.  The Suffolk County Court Number is a good starting point for finding information relating to a Suffolk County Criminal Case or Suffolk County Arraignment.  The number is 631-853-7500.

Click Here for Suffolk County Criminal Court FAQ Page (Unified Court System)

Click Here for Information on vacating a warrant in Suffolk County (Unified Court System)

Additional Information:

The Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office has a great resource page for people who want to learn more about the criminal arrest, booking, arraignment, and indictment processes in Suffolk County.  CLICK HERE to go to the Suffolk County District Attorney’s website/webpage on criminal justice procedures.

CLICK HERE to find People Wanted in Suffolk County (Suffolk County’s Most Wanted)

Arrest of Non-Citizens-Arrest of Immigrants in Suffolk County

Below is a link to Suffolk County Police Department communications regarding the arrest of non U.S. Citizens and persons with dual citizenship.

CLICK HERE for the Suffolk County Police Department Policy on the arrest of Non-citizens/arrest of immigrants in Suffolk County.

Address of Suffolk County District Court:

First District Court, Suffolk County

400 Carleton Avenue, Central Islip, N.Y.

Criminal Arraignments: Courtroom D-11

Suffolk County Police Department Numbers

SCPD General Phone Numbers
1st Precinct 555 Route 109, West Babylon 854-8100
2nd Precinct 1071 Park Ave, Huntington 854-8200
3rd Precinct 1630 5th Ave, Bay Shore 854-8300
4th Precinct 345 Old Willets Path, Hauppauge 854-8400
5th Precinct 125 Waverly Ave, Patchogue 854-8500
6th Precinct Route 25 / Middle Country Rd, Coram 854-8600
7th Precinct 1419 William Floyd Parkway, Shirley 852-8700

Suffolk County Jail Information:

CLICK Here for information on Suffolk County Jail from Suffolk County Sheriff (Riverhead Jail)

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