Please Note:
WWW.CENTRALBOOKING.INFO is run by a private law firm. We have tried to compile information helpful to those who have had a friend or loved one arrested in New York City. This site however, IS NOT RUN BY THE COURTS, OR ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY. We have tried throughout the site to help the General Public and our clients navigate the arraignment, central booking and arrest process by providing what we believe is information that will be helpful. We have compiled Central Booking Info that we believe will help you find the information you need when someone is arrested. Our firm is proud that it helps thousands of people a month through this site!
After getting tons of traffic and having to spend countless hours maintaining the CentralBooking Site, it was decided to put ads on the site to defray the costs of running the site. There are also affiliate marketing links around the site. The end result of having ads on the site is that lawyers who are not part of our firm and who participate in Google Adwords will be seen on our site, along with other sponsors. Also, the ads & affiliate income support hosting and other maintenance fees that allow us to bring this site to you. To be clear, we make money if you click on our ads. We make money if you buy a product. In the end, the goal is to bring you important information that you can use, without shoving our own services down your throat. We wanted to create a site that actually helps people.
This web site may be considered advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and ethical rules. Oeser-Sweat, P.C. does not offer any guarantee of case results. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
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New York, New York
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