Queens Criminal Court Number
(718) 298-0792 – General Information
CLICK HERE FOR our Queens Arraignment Clerk Number Page (Arrest Information)
Queens Criminal Court is located at 125-01 Queens Blvd. near Hoover Avenue & 82nd Avenue.
Queens Criminal Court is located at 125-01 Queens Blvd. near Hoover Avenue & 82nd Avenue.
Below is a map of New York City Police Precinct Boundaries. This map particularly shows Boundaries of Police Precincts in the City of New York. This map will allow you to figure out what police precinct you are in. You can use your location or address to find out what precinct services a particular area.
Manhattan Police Precincts – New York County |
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Brooklyn Police Precincts– Kings County |
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WEBCRIMS is an E-COURTS website in New York State that can be used to get information on what people have been charged with in criminal cases. According to the WEBCRIMS site itself, “WebCrims provides information on criminal cases with future appearance dates for selected New York State Courts of criminal jurisdiction.” WEBCRIMS is one of New York State’s ECOURTs/E-COURTS websites. WEBCRIMS is New York’s Criminal ECOURT Site. Basically, you can use the WEBCRIMS website for the following:
Looking for someone who was arrested in New York? What to know WHO IS IN JAIL? You can use webcrims to find out who is in jail in New York!
KINDA!! :-/
When people are arrested in New York (particularly New York City), they are arrested by the Police (most of the time). So when the NYPD arrests someone, you are not going to find them without going to or calling the police station. Sometimes, they drive around in vans for a while until they are finally processed. When the person is processed and put into the system, sometimes you can find out information about them by calling the arraignment clerk. WEBCRIMS is an amazing site, however, they will not be on WEBCRIMS yet. The best way to think of WEBCRIMS is to think of it as the calendar for the New York Criminal Courts. It contains Supreme Court and Criminal Court cases that are scheduled for a court date in the future. WEBCRIMS is a future appearance system. If a case does not have a future appearance scheduled, it will not usually be on WEBCRIMS.
Once someone has been arrested in New York, they have to be processed before they can see a Judge. Until that person has a court file and that information is entered into the Court system computer, you will not see them on WEBCRIMS. That means that you may not see someone on the WEBCRIMS website until right before or right after that person is arraigned. Before that person sees a Judge at arraignment, you are not going to see any accurate information about who the District Attorney on a case is, or what bail the court has set in a case. Once the arraignment has happened (or right before) you can see someone’s charges on WEBCRIMS. You can also see someone’s next court date on WEBCRIMS. WEBCRIMS will also show if the court set a bail in a criminal case.
Remember, WEBCRIMS only has active CRIMINAL cases (and summonses). If someone was arrested and the charges were dropped or if they took a plea at arraignment and the case is OVER, then you may never see the case on WEBCRIMS, even if the person was arrested and charged with a crime. WEBCRIMS is a system which shows active cases in real time. This is important because a great deal of the criminal cases that get filed in New York are dealt with by plea at arraignment.
NO! Just because a criminal case is not on WEBCRIMS does not mean it is not a pending or open criminal case. Sometimes cases do not appear because the new court date has not been entered into the system yet. Sometimes a case will not appear on WEBCRIMS because someone missed court and a warrant has been issued. When the Judge issues a warrant, a new court date is not set. This is a good example of a case that is still open and is still pending but does not have a future court date. Such being said, the site is NOT an accurate way to rule out whether someone has an open case. WEBCRIMS shows you if someone has a court date coming up in an open case (most of the time). Another example of cases that are open which might not appear on WEBCRIMS are violations of probation or parole. Sometimes people are on probation and they violate that probation (or parole) and get arrested. In those cases, they can be arrested and remanded and will be held in a jail. The person will not appear in WEBCRIMS in the probation example until the court sets a court date for a hearing. In the parole example, because the hearings are administrative hearings, you may not see the person in WEBCRIMS. Generally, case information is updated quickly on WEBCRIMS (daily), but that is not always the case.
NO (most of the time)! You can not use WEBCRIMS to find your next Court Date. This is because when you get a DAT, the NYPD is giving you a ticket with the next court date. The Court will not yet have that information and so they have not yet imputed it into the WEBCRIMS system. That being the case, even though you have a DAT, it will not always appear on WEBCRIMS. Just because you can not find your DAT information on WEBCRIMS does not mean you do not have court or that you do not have an open case. Even if you don’t see your DAT on WEBCRIMS, you still have to go to court on the date of your DAT and/or on the date that any letter from the court tells you to appear.
YES! If your case is pending you can find your Criminal Court date using WEBCRIMS. As you can see from the picture below, the WEBCRIMS Appearances menu shows criminal case details including the date and part in which the criminal case is pending. It will also show you past court appearance dates in connection with a particular case. The Appearance menu screen will also show you the outcome of the court appearance and what the bail status is. For instance, it will tell you if the case has been adjourned and if bail has been continued. It may also tell you if a Defendant was remanded and taken into custody by a court.
If a Defendant was arrested in New York and has a criminal case in certain New York State Courts, you can get the criminal charges against them on WEBCRIMS. You can do the following on the site:
People mistakenly use the following terms to find the New York State Unified Court System WEBCRIMS site:
This is not the official WEBCRIMS website and neither are some of the other sites that you may find that discuss WEBCRIMS. Only the Unified Court System Site contains the WEBCRIMS official Site.
If someone has been arrested in New York State and has been arraigned by a Judge in a New York State Supreme Court, a New York State District Court or a New York State Criminal Court, you can use the Webcrims system to find out someone’s bail amount. You can use webcrims to find someone’s bail if they have an open court case in the following courts:
Find how much someone’s bail is in New York by going to the webcrims website and looking up the current status of the defendant’s criminal case. You can follow these directions for the process of finding out what the status of someone’s criminal case is and for finding out the amount of someone’s bail or whether the person has a bail in a New York Court:
In the instance below, the person was released on his or her own recognizance and did not have to pay bail:
In the Instance below, the initially had a $5,000 bail. You can also see that the bail was not posted. However, at some point in the most recent court appearances, you can see that the person had an ROR status, which means that the court decided that there was no need for a bail.
*Please note that this process can also be used to find an open criminal case in New York/Find out if someone has a current criminal matter in New York State.
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE CASH BAIL REFUND PROCESS IN NEW YORK CITY – A New York City Department of Finance pamphlet which provides information on how bail is refunded in New York City, how bail is forfeited in New York City, and assigning bail to an attorney or assigning bail to another person in New York City.
LOCATE AN INMATE IN NEW YORK STATE – This resource is helpful for those looking to find an inmate in a New York State Jail or New York State Prison.
WHAT IS BAIL? – This comprehensive article discusses what bail is and concepts that one may find helpful in understanding how a court decides what the bail set should be.
How Do I Find My Next Court Date? This article is helpful for those looking to find their next court date in a criminal court case in New York State. The Article provide’s links to webcrims, a criminal court case information site which can be used to find a defendant’s next court date in New York.
POST BAIL IN NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS FACILITY – Click Here to go to the New York City Department of Corrections’ page on posting bail for someone held in a NYC DOC facility.
Disclaimer: WEBCRIMS is a New York State Unified Court System run website and is not run by this site and is in no way affiliated with this site. This site is a private site and is not intended to provide legal advice. This site is not in anyway affiliated with any governmental agency and/or court. This information is provided free of charge for the benefit of the public. Please consult your attorney for legal advice.
This page is not intended to create an attorney client relationship or to give specific legal advice to any specific individuals. The pages on this website are provided to give assistance in understanding general legal concepts. The law can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Such being the case, if you have specific questions, please discuss them with your Lawyer or, if you do not have a Lawyer, please consider hiring one or seeking assistance from a Legal Aid provider.
Suffolk County Arraignments
When Does Someone See A Judge In Suffolk County?
Are you looking for someone arrested in Suffolk County?
Suffolk County is a big place. If you are trying to find a person who was arrested in Suffolk, you may want to call the police station nearest to where in Suffolk County the person was arrested. When a person is arrested in Suffolk County, they are taken to one of the following places:
Even if someone is arrested by a Village Police Department, that person will usually be taken to the Suffolk County Police Department (SCPD) for additional processing.
Click Here for a list of Police precincts in Suffolk County (SCPD Addresses).
Click Here for a list of phone numbers to SCPD Precincts.
Click here for a list of Criminal Courthouses in Suffolk County and to find the address of a Court in Suffolk.
What is an Arraignment?
An arraignment is when someone who has been arrested sees a Judge to enter a plea. At the arraignment the Court will also set a bail. In some cases, no bail is set. In Suffolk County, after someone is arrested, that person is often interviewed by the Department of Probation. The Suffolk County Department of Probation will then make a recommendation regarding the need for a bail to the Court based upon the interview with the person arrested. The person’s lawyer will make what is called a bail argument. Please note that sometimes in Suffolk County, people are arraigned without an attorney representing them.
In Suffolk County, the District Court Arraignments take place seven days a week in Courtroom D-11. Each day, arraignments in Suffolk County start at 9:30.
Looking for Court Information?
Suffolk County District Court has a recorded information phone number. The Suffolk County Court Number is a good starting point for finding information relating to a Suffolk County Criminal Case or Suffolk County Arraignment. The number is 631-853-7500.
Click Here for Suffolk County Criminal Court FAQ Page (Unified Court System)
Click Here for Information on vacating a warrant in Suffolk County (Unified Court System)
Additional Information:
The Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office has a great resource page for people who want to learn more about the criminal arrest, booking, arraignment, and indictment processes in Suffolk County. CLICK HERE to go to the Suffolk County District Attorney’s website/webpage on criminal justice procedures.
CLICK HERE to find People Wanted in Suffolk County (Suffolk County’s Most Wanted)
Arrest of Non-Citizens-Arrest of Immigrants in Suffolk County
Below is a link to Suffolk County Police Department communications regarding the arrest of non U.S. Citizens and persons with dual citizenship.
CLICK HERE for the Suffolk County Police Department Policy on the arrest of Non-citizens/arrest of immigrants in Suffolk County.
Address of Suffolk County District Court:
First District Court, Suffolk County
400 Carleton Avenue, Central Islip, N.Y.
Criminal Arraignments: Courtroom D-11
Suffolk County Police Department Numbers
SCPD General Phone Numbers | |
1st Precinct 555 Route 109, West Babylon | 854-8100 |
2nd Precinct 1071 Park Ave, Huntington | 854-8200 |
3rd Precinct 1630 5th Ave, Bay Shore | 854-8300 |
4th Precinct 345 Old Willets Path, Hauppauge | 854-8400 |
5th Precinct 125 Waverly Ave, Patchogue | 854-8500 |
6th Precinct Route 25 / Middle Country Rd, Coram | 854-8600 |
7th Precinct 1419 William Floyd Parkway, Shirley | 852-8700 |
Suffolk County Jail Information:
CLICK Here for information on Suffolk County Jail from Suffolk County Sheriff (Riverhead Jail)
ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. This web site may be considered advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and ethical rules. Oeser-Sweat, P.C. does not offer any guarantee of case results. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. THIS WEBSITE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS IN NO WAY INTENDED TO PROVIDE LEGAL ADVICE OR CREATE AN ATTORNEY CLIENT RELATIONSHIP. This site is not in anyway affiliated with any federal, state or governmental department or entity. This site is provided to give information to the general public and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Please consult your lawyer for legal advice.
Mayor Bloomberg announced on February 14, 2013 that people arrested for possessing small amounts of marijuana in New York City will get a Desk Appearance Ticket (DAT) rather than spend the night in jail. If someone is arrested for having “weed” in NYC and he or she passes a warrant check, that person in possession of marijuana in New York City will be eligible for a Desk Appearance Ticket.
This announcement took place in Bloomberg’s Final State of the City Address, in which he stated”
But we know that there’s more we can do to keep New Yorkers, particularly young men, from ending up with a criminal record. Commissioner Kelly and I support Governor Cuomo’s proposal to make possession of small amounts of marijuana a violation, rather than a misdemeanor and we’ll work to help him pass it this year. But we won’t wait for that to happen.
“Right now, those arrested for possessing small amounts of marijuana are often held in custody overnight. We’re changing that. Effective next month, anyone presenting an ID and clearing a warrant check will be released directly from the precinct with a desk appearance ticket to return to court. It’s consistent with the law, it’s the right thing to do and it will allow us to target police resources where they’re needed most.
Currently, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo is seeking to lower the penalties for carrying small amounts of pot.
A Desk Appearance Ticket is also known as a DAT. When someone is arrested, they can be sent to Central Booking from the police station and then be held overnight to see a Judge at the Criminal Court or, the police can give them a DAT for possession of marijuana (in this example) and that will be an appointment slip of sorts informing the person of the charge and the date that they are supposed to appear at the courthouse.
For More Information:
WNYC News Blog – Text: Bloomberg’s Final State of the City Address
Bloomberg: Marijuana Arrests In NYC Will Mean A Desk Appearance Ticket, Not A Night In Jail
Photo Credit: “Smoking African Man” by africa – Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Westchester Inmate Lookup
Are you looking for an Inmate or someone who is currently incarcerated in Westchester New York? Are you looking for an Inmate or someone who is currently incarcerated in Westchester County? There are several different places that someone who has been arrested and is currently in custody in Westchester could be. The jail that the inmate is housed in will be affected in large part about what agency is holding the inmate.
Each State/Commonwealth has a system of Prisons. Often, the State Prisons will house inmates with longer sentences, often due to a Felony Conviction. Within each state, the various counties have their own jails for holding people who are on trial, or who are charged and/or convicted of lesser offenses & Misdemeanors. If you can not find an inmate & he or she has an attorney, often the attorney/lawyer is a great resource for locating a prisoner. The County Prison System in Westchester is run by the Westchester County Department of Correction (WCDOC).
CLICK HERE for Westchester Inmate Search
For additional information, contact the Westchester County Department of Correction at (914) 231-1000.
Posting Bail In Westchester County New York
If you are looking for information on posting bail in Westchester County and/or trying to bail an inmate out of jail in Westchester, you should first visit the Westchester County Department of Correction webpage to view information on Bail and Posting Bail in Westchester.
CLICK HERE for information on Posting Bail in Westchester County
In general, there are 3 ways to post bail in Westchester County
You Can post bail for an inmate in Westchester In Person
Bail can be posted in person 24 hours a day, seven days a week at the Westchester County Jail, located in Valhalla, New York which is near the Westchester Medical Center.
Directions to Westchester County Jail:
Use the Eastview exit Route 100C off the Sprain Brook Parkway. The address you should use for mapping purposes is: 10 Woods Road, Valhalla, New York. There is a visitor’s parking lot near Grasslands Road. You can enter the jail at the entrance gate (Post 1). Inform the officers that you wish to Post Bail. Only one person will be allowed to enter to post bail.
Items You Need To Post Bail In Person at Westchester County Jail:
There are some things that you should be aware of when posting Bail in Westchester County:
CLICK HERE for information on visiting an prisoner in Westchester County
How To Find An Inmate In New York
How Do I Find My Next Court Date? Who Arrested?
A New York Criminal Defense Lawyer describes steps that loved ones and family members of someone arrested in New York City should take to help get that person home quicker after he or she has been arrested. These items will help one track someone from arrest to arraignment. See our full video that describes the process from arrest to arraignment for more information. The information contained on this site is written by a criminal lawyer and is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship, but rather, to give information to individuals who are trying to find people.
Are you looking for someone? Are you asking “how can I find people” who were arrested? This site was created by a criminal lawyer to help answer the question: How do you find people who were arrested? If you are looking to find people, click the below links for information that can help you find people arrested in New York City.
How Do You Get A Lawyer when you are arrested in New York? Each person arrested in New York City gets a free attorney consultation with a government provided criminal lawyer. These lawyers are not all from the Legal Aid Society. Many of these lawyers are new york city defense attorneys who are appointed by the court. These new york city criminal defense lawyers are paid by the government. There are a number of criminal lawyers in nyc that are on the panel that is appointed to these types of cases. Despite what many believe, many of these lawyers are top criminal attorneys.
Click Below to go to the relevant pages (written by a private criminal lawyer):
New York Arraignment Process (What happens when you’re arrested in NYC)
How To Find An Inmate In New York
How Do I Find My Next Court Date? Who Arrested?
How Do I Find Out If Someone Has A Bail?
How Do I Find Out What Someone’s Bail Is?
How Do I Find Out What Someone Was Charged With?
How Do I Find Out What I Was Charged With?
Where Can I Hire A Lawyer To Represent Myself Or A Loved One In A Criminal Case?
Where Can I hire A Lawyer to Represent me in a Domestic Violence Case?
How Do I get my criminal record sealed in New York?
Arraignment Clerk Information – Places to Call in NYC if Someone was Arrested or to find out if someone was arrested in New York City. Wondering how to find someone arrested in New York City? This is a good starting point. Even if someone is in Central Booking or a county detention facility in New York City after being arrested, the Arraignment Clerk might be able to help!
New York City has five (5) boroughs. Each borough in New York City is a different county. Each county has a different court. When people are arrested in a certain borough or county, they go to the jail in that county. If you are looking for someone arrested in a specific borough in New York City, you need to know the names of the counties in New York City. Below is a list of counties in New York that will help you figure out what county detention facility someone arrested may be in.
This being the case, you don’t have to be a criminal lawyer to figure out where to look for someone:
So if you think someone is in Central Booking in the Bronx, call the arraignment clerk in Bronx County.
If you think someone is in Central Booking in Brookyn, call the arraignment clerk in Kings County.
If you think someone is in Central Booking in Queens, call the arraignment clerk in Queens County.
If you think someone is in Central Booking in Manhattan, call the arraignment clerk in New York County.
If you think someone is in Central Booking in Staten Island, call the arraignment clerk in Richmond County.
If you know for sure someone has been arrested in New York City and you want to find someone arrested in New York City, click the link on the top of the page to get the number to the arraignment clerk in the county in which the person was arrested.
Oeser-Sweat, P.C.
419 Lafayette Street, 2nd Floor
New York, New York
Phone: 212-335-1300
WEB: www.oesersweat.com
24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week:
Image Courtesy of Graeme Weatherston
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Are you looking for an Inmate or someone who is currently incarcerated in New York State? There are several different places that someone who has been arrested and is currently in custody in the State of New York could be. The jail that the inmate is housed in will be affected in large part about what agency is holding the inmate.
If the person or inmate was convicted of a FELONY, then chances are he or she is in a STATE JAIL or PRISON. If the person has already been convicted and is not awaiting trial or some other hearing, you will have a good chance of locating the inmate in the New York State Prison system. The New York State Department of Corrections has an Inmate Look Up System. If you are asking “How do you find an Inmate in New York State?” than this site you should start with!
In order to locate an inmate in a state prison, check the New York State Department of Corrections website:
If you need to look for inmates or need to use the inmate lookup system in New York City (NYC) then you should use the New York City Department of Corrections (DOCS) Inmate Search System (NYC DOC inmate lookup). This system will help you find an inmate that is housed in New York City. If you are asking “How do you find an Inmate in New York City?” than this site you should start with!
New York City houses inmates in the following Jails:
If you are looking for someone who was recently arrested in New York City, chances are they will not appear in ANY of these Inmate Look Up or Inmate Search systems. It is possible that the person has not been arraigned yet.
For more information on what happens after someone is arrested in New York City CLICK HERE.
Inmate Information is located on the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office webpage:
The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office has an Inmate Information Page.
The inmate roster and census are updated daily, Monday through Friday.
CLICK HERE for Monroe County Felony Arraignment Reports
CLICK HERE to Locate an Inmate in Fulton City
CLICK HERE to Locate an Inmate in Ithica, NY
CLICK HERE to Locate an Inmate in Madison County
CLICK HERE to Locate an Inmate in Monroe County
Click here to find a Prisioner in New York City
CLICK HERE to Locate an Inmate in Onedia County
CLICK HERE to Lookup an Inmate in Onondaga County
CLICK HERE to Locate an Inmate in Oswego County (Including Arrest Reports)
CLICK HERE to Lookup an Inmate in Westchester County
CLICK HERE to Locate an Inmate in ERIE COUNTY
In connection with BAIL ONLINE in Erie County, NY, GovPayNet accepts major credit, debit and prepaid debit cards for cash bail twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week on-site, online, or by phone at 1-877-EZBAIL5 (1-877-392-2455).
ERIE COUNTY Jail Management Division FAQ’s
The NY-DOC also has a Family Guidebook that you can use online or download as a pdf file.
The New York State Department of Corrections Website keeps an updated list of addresses to State Prison Facilities.
If you are seeking to visit an Inmate a facility run by the New York State Department of Corrections, you should visit their website to find their current visitation guidelines.
Mail for inmates should be sent to the particular correctional facility listed below in which the inmate is housed. The first line of the address on the envelope should contain the inmate’s name and Department Identification Number(DIN). Rules governing exchange of correspondence between an inmate and another person or business are set forth in New York State Department of Corrections Departmental Directive #4422
Not Sure if the Inmate you are Looking for is in a New York State correctional Facility? Confused about whether the jail that are looking for is run by the New York State Department of Corrections? Below is a list of New York State Department of Corrections run Correctional Facilities/jails.
Westchester County Inmate Lookup
Tagged with: attorney • Bail • Elmira • Find person in jail • how can i find a prisoner • how can i find an inmate • how do i find a inmate • how do i find a prisoner • how to find inmate information • how to search inmates • Inmate • Inmate Locator • Inmate Search • Jail • law firm • Lawyer • look for inmate • New York • Prison • Rikers Island • search for inmates• Inmate Lookup • How to find an inmate in New York • lookup inmate in New York •find an inmate in new york •find an inmate in brooklyn • find an inmate in queens •find an inmate in kings county • find an inmate in the bronx • find an inmate in manhattan •find an inmate in Richmond • find an inmate in Staten Island • find an inmate in westchester • find an inmate in Monroe • Find an inmate in onedia
Filed under: New York State Inmate Locator • NY Jail Inmate Locator • NY Prison Inmate Locator
This page was created to help family members and loved ones of those arrested & or incarcerated to find loved ones and locate prisoners who may be inmates at various jails, prisons and penitentiaries throughout the United States. The Inmate Locator is still under development and is a work in process. Eventually, when the goal is complete, this page will be a comprehensive resource for locating inmates in every state.
Locate Inmate in Federal Prisons & Jails – How Can I Find A Prisoner
Locate Inmate in State Prisons and County Jails –
How Can I Find A Prisoner
Each State has a system of Prisons. Often, the State Prisons will house inmates with longer sentences, often due to a Felony Conviction. Within each state, the various counties have their own jails for holding people who are on trial, or who are charged and/or convicted of lesser offenses & Misdemeanors. If you can not find an inmate & he or she has an attorney, often the attorney/lawyer is a great resource for locating a prisoner.
Locate An Inmate in Alaska
Locate An Inmate in Arkansas
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Locate An Inmate in Delaware
Locate An Inmate in District of Columbia (DC)
Locate An Inmate in Florida
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Locate An Inmate in Idaho
Locate An Inmate in Indiana
Locate An Inmate in Kansas
Locate An Inmate in Kentucky
Locate An Inmate in Maine
Locate An Inmate in Massachusetts
Locate An Inmate in Michigan
Locate An Inmate in Minnesota
Locate An Inmate in Mississippi
Locate An Inmate in Missouri
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Locate An Inmate in New Hampshire
Locate An Inmate in New Jersey
Locate An Inmate in New Mexico
Locate An Inmate in North Carolina
Locate An Inmate in North Dakota
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Locate An Inmate in South Dakota
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Locate An Inmate in Utah
Locate An Inmate in Vermont
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Locate An Inmate in Washington
Locate An Inmate in West Virginia
Locate An Inmate in Wisconsin
Locate An Inmate in Wyoming
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Filed under: Inmate Locator – Find Prisoner
This list is a list of New York State Correctional Facilities and contains the names and addresses of the State Correctional Facility as well as information pertaining to whether the facility houses male inmates or female inmates or in some cases both. In some cases, the list contains prisoner contact information.
This list was obtained from public records and the information on this list can change. We are not responsible for the accuracy of this list as this site is not maintained by the Department of Corrections. You can get more information on the New York State Department of Corrections Website.
Adirondack Correctional Facility
196 Ray Brook Road
P.O. Box 110
Ray Brook, New York 12977-0110
(518) 891-1343 (Essex County) Medium Male
Albion Correctional Facility
3595 State School Road
Albion, New York 14411-9399
(585) 589-5511 (Orleans County) Medium Female
Altona Correctional Facility
555 Devils Den Road
P.O. Box 3000
Altona, New York 12910-2090
(518) 236-7841 (Clinton County) Medium Male
Attica Correctional Facility
639 Exchange St
Attica, New York 14011-0149
(585) 591-2000 (Wyoming County) Maximum Male
Auburn Correctional Facility
135 State Street
Auburn, New York 13024-9000
(315) 253-8401 (Cayuga County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 618, Zip 13021) Maximum Male
Bare Hill Correctional Facility
181 Brand Rd.
Caller Box #20
Malone, New York 12953-0020
(518) 483-8411 (Franklin County) Medium Male
Bayview Correctional Facility
550 West 20th Street
New York, New York 10011-2678
(212) 255-7590 (New York County) Medium Female
Beacon Correctional Facility
50 Camp Beacon Rd
P.O. Box 780
Beacon, New York 12508-0780
(845) 831-4200 (Dutchess Co.) Minimum Female
Bedford Hills Correctional Facility
247 Harris Road
Bedford Hills, New York 10507-2400
(914) 241-3100 (Westchester Co.) Maximum Female
Butler Correctional Facility
14001 Westbury Cutoff Rd
P.O. Box 400
Red Creek, New York 13143
(315) 754-8001 (Wayne County) Medium Male
Cape Vincent Correctional Facility
36560 State Route 12E
P.O. Box 599
Cape Vincent, New York 13618-0599
(315) 654-4100 (Jefferson County) Medium Male
Cayuga Correctional Facility
2202 State Route 38A
P.O. Box 1150
Moravia, New York 13118-1150
(315) 497-1110 (Cayuga County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 1186, Zip 13118 ) Medium Male
Chateaugay Correctional Facility
7874 State Route 11
P.O. Box 320
Chateaugay, New York 12920-0320
(518) 497-3300 (Franklin County) Medium Male
Clinton Correctional Facility
1156 Rt. 374
P.O. Box 2000
Dannemora, New York 12929-2000
(518) 492-2511 (Clinton County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 2001, Zip 12929)
Clinton Annex
1074 Rt. 374
P.O. Box 2000
Dannemora, New York 12929
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 2002) Maximum Male
Collins Correctional Facility
Middle Road
P.O. Box 490
Collins, New York 14034-0490
(716) 532-4588 (Erie County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 340, Zip 14034-0340) Medium Male
Coxsackie Correctional Facility
11260 Route 9W
P.O. Box 200
Coxsackie, New York 12051-0200
(518) 731-2781 (Greene County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 999, Zip 12051-0999) Maximum Male
Downstate Correctional Facility
121 Red Schoolhouse Road
P.O. Box 445
Fishkill, New York 12524-0445
(845) 831-6600 (Dutchess County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box F, Zip 12524) Maximum Male
Eastern NY Correctional Facility
30 Institution Rd
P.O. Box 338
Napanoch, New York 12458-0338
(845) 647-7400 (Ulster County) Maximum Male
Edgecombe Correctional Facility
611 Edgecombe Avenue
New York, New York 10032-4398
(212) 923-2575 (New York County) Minimum Male
Elmira Correctional Facility
1879 Davis St
P.O. Box 500
Elmira, New York 14901-0500
(607) 734-3901 (Chemung County) Maximum Male
Fishkill Correctional Facility
18 Strack Drive
Beacon, New York 12508-0307
(845) 831-4800 (Dutchess County)
(Inmate Mail: 271 Matteawan Road, P.O. Box 1245) Medium Male
Five Points Correctional Facility
6600 State Route 96
Caller Box 400
Romulus, New York 14541
(607) 869-5111 (Seneca County)
(Inmate Mail: Caller Box 119) Maximum Male
Franklin Correctional Facility
62 Bare Hill Road
P.O. Box 10
Malone, New York 12953-0010
(518) 483-6040 (Franklin County) Medium Male
Gouverneur Correctional Facility
112 Scotch Settlement Road
P.O. Box 370
Gouverneur, New York 13642-0370
(315) 287-7351 (St. Lawrence County) Medium Male
Gowanda Correctional Facility
South Road
P.O. Box 350
Gowanda, New York 14070-0350
(716) 532-0177 (Erie County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 311, Zip 14070-0311) Medium Male
Great Meadow Correctional Facility
11739 State Route 22
P.O. Box 51
Comstock, New York 12821-0051
(518) 639-5516 (Washington County) Maximum Male
Green Haven Correctional Facility
594 Rt. 216
Stormville, New York 12582-0010
(845) 221-2711 (Dutchess County) Maximum Male
Greene Correctional Facility
165 Plank Road
P.O. Box 8
Coxsackie, New York 12051-0008
(518) 731-2741 (Greene County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 975, Zip 12051-0975) Medium Male
Groveland Correctional Facility
7000 Sonyea Road
P.O. Box 50
Sonyea, New York 14556-0050
(585) 658-2871 (Livingston County)
Medium Male
Hale Creek ASACTC
279 Maloney Road
Johnstown, New York 12095-3769
(518) 736-2094 (Fulton County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 950) Medium Male
Hudson Correctional Facility
50 East Court Street
P.O. Box 576
Hudson, New York 12534-0576
(518) 828-4311 (Columbia County) Medium Male
Lakeview Shock Incarceration C. F.
9300 Lake Avenue
P.O. Box T
Brocton, New York 14716-9798
(716) 792-7100 (Chautauqua County) Minimum Male and Female
Lincoln Correctional Facility
31-33 West 110th Street
New York, New York 10026-4398
(212) 860-9400 (New York County) Minimum Male
Livingston Correctional Facility
7005 Sonyea Road
P.O. Box 49
Sonyea, New York 14556-0049
(585) 658-3710 (Livingston County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 91, Zip 14556) Medium Male
Marcy Correctional Facility
9000 Old River Road
P.O. Box 5000
Marcy, New York 13403-5000
(315) 768-1400 (Oneida County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 3600, Zip 13403) Medium Male
Mid-State Correctional Facility
9005 Old River Road
P.O. Box 216
Marcy, New York 13403-0216
(315) 768-8581 (Oneida County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 2500, 13403) Medium Male
Mohawk Correctional Facility
6514 Rt. 26
P.O. Box 8450
Rome, New York 13440
(315) 339-5232 (Oneida County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 8451) Medium Male
Monterey Shock Incarceration Corr. Fac.
2150 Evergreen Hill Road
Beaver Dams, New York 14812-9718
(607) 962-3184 (Schuyler County) Minimum Male
Moriah Shock Incarceration Corr. Fac.
75 Burhart Lane
P.0. Box 999
Mineville, New York 12956-0999
(518) 942-7561 (Essex County) Minimum Male
Mt. McGregor Correctional Facility
1000 Mt. McGregor Road
P.O. Box 2071
Wilton, New York 12831-5071
(518) 587-3960 (Saratoga County)
(Inmate Mail: 1000 Mt. McGregor Rd, Zip 12831) Medium Male
Ogdensburg Correctional Facility
One Correction Way
Ogdensburg, New York 13669-2288
(315) 393-0281 (St. Lawrence County) Medium Male
Orleans Correctional Facility
3595 Gaines Basin Road
Albion, New York 14411-9199
(585) 589-6820 (Orleans County)
(Mailing Address: 3531 Gaines Basin Road) Medium Male
Otisville Correctional Facility
57 Sanitorium Road
P.O. Box 8
Otisville, New York 10963-0008
(845) 386-1490 (Orange County) Medium Male
Queensboro Correctional Facility
47-04 Van Dam Street
Long Island City, NY 11101-3081
(718) 361-8920 (Queens County) Minimum Male
Riverview Correctional Facility
1110 Tibbits Drive
P.O. Box 158
Ogdensburg, New York 13669-0158
(315) 393-8400 (St. Lawrence County) Medium Male
Rochester Correctional Facility
470 Ford Street
Rochester, New York 14608-2499
(585) 454-2280 (Monroe County) Minimum Male
Shawangunk Correctional Facility
200 Quick Road
P.O. Box 750
Wallkill, New York 12589-0750
(845) 895-2081 (Ulster County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 700, Zip 12589) Maximum Male
Sing Sing Correctional Facility
354 Hunter Street
Ossining, New York 10562-5442
(914) 941-0108 (Westchester County) Maximum Male
Southport Correctional Facility
236 Bob Masia Drive
P.O. Box 2000
Pine City, New York 14871-2000
(607) 737-0850 (Chemung County) Maximum Male
Sullivan Correctional Facility
325 Riverside Drive
P.O. Box 116
Fallsburg, New York 12733-0116
(845) 434-2080 (Sullivan County) Maximum Male
Taconic Correctional Facility
250 Harris Road
Bedford Hills, New York 10507-2497
(914) 241-3010 (Westchester County) Medium Female
Ulster Correctional Facility
750 Berme Road
P.O. Box 800
Napanoch, New York 12458-0800
(845) 647-1670 (Ulster County) Medium Male
Upstate Correctional Facility
309 Bare Hill Road
P.O. Box 2000
Malone, New York 12953
(518) 483-6997 (Franklin County)
(Inmate Mail: P.O. Box 2001) Maximum Male
Wallkill Correctional Facility
50 McKendrick Road
P.O. Box G
Wallkill, New York 12589-0286
(845) 895-2021 (Ulster County) Medium Male
Washington Correctional Facility
72 Lock Eleven Lane
P.O. Box 180
Comstock, New York 12821-0180
(518) 639-4486 (Washington County) Medium Male
Watertown Correctional Facility
23147 Swan Road
Watertown, New York 13601-9340
(315) 782-7490 (Jefferson County) Medium Male
Wende Correctional Facility
3040 Wende Road
Alden, New York 14004-1187
(716) 937-4000 (Erie County) Maximum Male
Willard Drug Treatment Campus
7116 County Route 132
P.O. Box 303
Willard, New York 14588-0303
(607) 869-5500 (Seneca County) Drug Treatment Center Male and Female
Woodbourne Correctional Facility
99 Prison Road
P.O. Box 1000
Woodbourne, New York 12788-1000
(845) 434-7730 (Sullivan County) Medium Male
Wyoming Correctional Facility
3203 Dunbar Road
P.O. Box 501
Attica, New York 14011-0501
(585) 591-1010 (Wyoming County)
If someone you know was arrested in New York City and you are looking for that person and trying to figure out what to do, this information sheet will help. It contains important New York City Criminal Court information including Court Addresses and phone numbers. The sheet contains the numbers that you need to call to find an arrest number and a docket number which can help you find out when your loved one will be arraigned in a New York City Criminal Court and when that person will see a judge.
Related Pages:
How to Locate An Inmate In New York
Find Someone Arrested In New York City NYC
How To Find An Inmate In New York
How Do I Find My Next Court Date?
Little Girl Cartoon Images appear courtesy of J.L. Sweat and appear in Birds, Bees, Babies The Story of the Birds and the Bees. Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.