Bronx, New York. Herbert Weisner and Mario Munroe were acquitted by a Bronx Jury on May 15, 2013 in connection with an allegedly gang related Bronx Shooting which took place on June 4, 2006. Owano Morgan was shot and killed in 2006 at a Kennedy Fried Chicken on White Plains Road & Nereid Avenue, which has since closed. The Defendants were incarcerated for the five years leading up to their trial & went to court over fifty times before receiving a trial.
Mr. Weisner was represented by Jamel Oeser-Sweat, Esq., who has also represented HBO Boardwalk Empire Star Paz De La Huerta and is the author of DNA, Forensic & Legal Applications, the foreword of which was written by Nobel Prize Winner James Watson. Mr. Oeser-Sweat spent much of his own money and resources defending Mr. Weisner. Mr. Munroe was represented by Anthony Ventura, Esq. of Bruno & Ventura in Floral Park, N.Y.
“My client spent half a decade fighting these charges and waiting for a trial. I am happy he has been acquitted. My condolences go out to the family of Mr. Morgan. It took the Jury less than two hours to decide what I have known since I was asked to help Mr. Weisner over five years ago – that he was not guilty.”
A New York Criminal Defense Lawyer describes steps that loved ones and family members of someone arrested in New York City should take to help get that person home quicker after he or she has been arrested. These items will help one track someone from arrest to arraignment. See our full video that describes the process from arrest to arraignment for more information. The information contained on this site is written by a criminal lawyer and is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship, but rather, to give information to individuals who are trying to find people.
How Do You Find People? Arrest Inquiry:
Are you looking for someone? Are you asking “how can I find people” who were arrested? This site was created by a criminal lawyer to help answer the question: How do you find people who were arrested? If you are looking to find people, click the below links for information that can help you find people arrested in New York City.
Arraignment Clerk Information – Places to Call in NYC if Someone was Arrested or to find out if someone was arrested in New York City. Wondering how to find someone arrested in New York City? This is a good starting point. Even if someone is in Central Booking or a county detention facility in New York City after being arrested, the Arraignment Clerk might be able to help!
New York City County List
New York City has five (5) boroughs. Each borough in New York City is a different county. Each county has a different court. When people are arrested in a certain borough or county, they go to the jail in that county. If you are looking for someone arrested in a specific borough in New York City, you need to know the names of the counties in New York City. Below is a list of counties in New York that will help you figure out what county detention facility someone arrested may be in.
This being the case, you don’t have to be a criminal lawyer to figure out where to look for someone:
So if you think someone is in Central Booking in the Bronx, call the arraignment clerk in Bronx County.
If you think someone is in Central Booking in Brookyn, call the arraignment clerk in Kings County.
If you think someone is in Central Booking in Queens, call the arraignment clerk in Queens County.
If you think someone is in Central Booking in Manhattan, call the arraignment clerk in New York County.
If you think someone is in Central Booking in Staten Island, call the arraignment clerk in Richmond County.
If you know for sure someone has been arrested in New York City and you want to find someone arrested in New York City, click the link on the top of the page to get the number to the arraignment clerk in the county in which the person was arrested.
ATTORNEY ADVERTISING This web site may be considered advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and ethical rules. Oeser-Sweat, P.C. does not offer any guarantee of case results. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
For More Information go to the Unified Court System Site: CLICK HERE
Are you looking for information relating to when your next court date is? Are you asking how you find your next court date in a New York City or New York State Court?
If so, the answer depends on what court your case is in. There is a way to search court cases. The New York State Court System has free court records and Court Date Look Up/Court Date Search Sites for various Courts Including
Criminal Court
Family Court
Housing Court
Supreme Court
Civil Court
If your case is in Criminal Court (New York Criminal Court, New York District Court, New York Supreme Court), then you need to use the Court’s WEBCRIMS to find your next Court date. You can also use WEBCRIMS to find free criminal records. By logging into WEBCRIMS as a public user, anyone, whether you are a defendant or an attorney/lawyer, can find someone’s next court date. You can find information and the next court date for both misdemeanor and felony cases. The system also gives you information about what court the case is in, the judge on the case, the charges, the defendant’s name and date of birth, the amount of bail that was set in the case, when the case was on last, all dates the case has been on the calendar, and whether or not a plea offer was made by the district attorney. WEBCRIMSis run by the Unified Court System and is the OFFICIALCourt Date Look Up website! Please note that often people who are arrested and given a Desk Appearance Ticket (DAT) will often not find their next court date in the WEBCRIMS system. This is because the DAT is issued by the Police Department and not the Court system directly.
If you trying to find out if someone who was arrested has a bail, you can use the Unified Court SystemWEBCRIMS site to find a bail amount in a particular case. You can log into WEBCRIMS and look up someone who was arrested (defendant’s) information and find out if the Judge/Court set a bail at the arraignment and often, it will tell you how much that bail is (bail amount). You can also find out if someone was released on their own recognizance (ROR).
If you are wondering how to find out what a person was arrested for, you can possibly find information on a person’s criminal case or find out why someone was arrested by using WEBCRIMS. WEBCRIMS is a site on which one can conduct a free arrest search and find out if someone has an open criminal case and as far as open case, get free criminal records information.
If you are looking for your next court date in a New York City or New York State Family Court, the Unified Court System’s WEBFAMILY system may help you to look up your next court date in Family Court. Whether you are the Petitioner, the Defendant, or a Lawyer/Attorney, you can find information regarding family court cases and the next court date on the WEBFAMILY system. Family Court cases include Child Support and Child Custody cases. So WEBFAMILY can help if you are looking for your next court date in a custody case and/or if you are looking for your next court date in a child support matter.
If you are looking for your next court date in a New York City or New York State Housing Court, the Unified Court System’s WEBHOUSING system may help you to look up your next court date in Family Court. Whether you are the Petitioner, the Defendant, or a Lawyer/Attorney, you can find information regarding family court cases and the next court date on the WEBHOUSING system. Housing Court cases include Landlord Tenant Cases, Commercial Landlord Tenant Cases, Eviction Cases, Non-payment Eviction Cases, and holdover eviction cases. So WEBHOUSING can help if you are looking for your next court date in an eviction case and/or if you are looking for your next court date in a nonpayment or holdover matter.
Are you trying to figure out whether courts are open? Looking for Court closing information? You can call 1-800-COURTNY (1-800-268-7869) to find out more information about whether New York Courts will be closed due to a weather or other emergency. If you are Juror wondering if you have to report to Jury duty, Jurors can call: 1-800-NY-JUROR (1-800-695-8767) to find out if Court will be open. If you are looking for the Courts holidays see below.
CLICK HERE for the New York State Courts Holiday Calendar/Schedule
This web site may be considered advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and ethical rules. Oeser-Sweat, P.C. does not offer any guarantee of case results. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
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