3 Ways To Find Out If Your Date Is A Sex Offender
For many people, dating can be a great experience. Whether you are dating online on a free dating site or using social networking sites to find people, you should always make sure to do some basic checking on the people you meet. Some people would argue that this is sound advice whether you are dating people or not. News Flash: sex offenders use the internet and often do not have any restrictions which would prevent them from being on a dating site! Here are three ways to find out if the person you just chatted with on that dating site you just joined is a registered sex offender:
1 – Search for your date’s name in a State Sex Offender Registry
If you are considering going on a date with someone, asking for his or her full name is not off limits. This is especially true if you met the person through an online dating site like plenty of fish (POF.com), Match.com or OKcupid.com.
Once you have the person’s name, use an online sex offender database to find out if that person is listed in a state sexual offender registry. Each state keeps a list of sex offenders and many will tell you where they live.
2 – Do A Background Search So Broad That You Could Find Out If Your Date Was A Sex Offender Even If He Lived On An Indian Reservation.
Once you let someone into your life, things can get pretty serious. You don’t want to wait until after you are engaged or married to find out who someone really is. The truth is, people have all sorts of things hidden in their past. You may find that your date has been arrested before. You may discover that there is a warrant for your boyfriend’s arrest out there. You may find out that your spouse to be is a registered sex offender. You may want to look at your fiancee’s credit report. Often, a credit report can give you all sort’s of important information. If you are going to live with this person one day, the fact that he or she may have bad credit is important to know!
3- Ask Your Date If He Is A Sex Offender! (or if she is a sex offender)
Sometimes, you have to do the most obvious thing to get the answers you are looking for. If you are worried about the background of your date or someone that you are keeping company with, ask that person the questions you want answers to. You can do so in a joking manner: “You aren’t a sex offender on a sex offender registry are you?” Every now and again, the answer may not be so funny. Date rape is on the rise. According to the Center for Women and Families:
- Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.(U.S. Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey)
- 1 out of 6 women have been victims of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime. (National Institute of Justice & Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.)
- 38% of women who have been raped were ages 14-17. (PSU)
- 60% of rapes/sexual assaults are not reported to the police. (U.S. Department of Justice)
- 73% of sexual assaults were committed by a non-stranger. (U.S. Department of Justice)
- 38% of rapists are a friend of acquaintance to the victim. (U.S. Department of Justice)
- 92% of homeless women have experienced severe physical and or/sexual violence in their lifetime. (PCAR)
- Up to 38% of women identify sexual abuse as a reason for leaving their home. (PCAR)
Statistics on Males
- An estimated 92,700 men are forcibly raped each year in the United States. (Tjadn & Thoemmes, 1998)
- 3% of American men have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. (National Institute of Justice & Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.)
- In 2003, 1 in every 10 rape victims was male. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Statistics on Children
- 1 out of 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually assaulted by the time they are 18 years old. (Darkness to Light)
- 15% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 12 and 44% are under age 18. (U.S. Department of Justice)
- 93% of juvenile sexual assault victims know their attacker. (U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics)
- Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. (RAINN)
SOURCE: CENTER FOR WOMEN & FAMILIES WEBSITE: http://www.cwfefc.org/svfacts.html
These statistics are eye opening. The fact is, you should be checking people out, even if that person is not a “stranger” to you. Don’t wait until you find out that the person you met on a dating site is a stalker or the person you met on a dating site is crazy.
Want to find out if someone is a sex offender? Check out the Sex Offender locator resources below.
Sex Offender Search Sites By STATE:
- Alabama -locate a sex offender in Alabama
- Alaska Sex Offender Registry
- Arizona Sex Offender Registry
- Arkansas – Search for a Sex Offender in Arkansas
- California Sex Offender Registry
- Colorado Sex Offender Registry
- Connecticut Sex Offender Registry
- Delaware Sex Offender Registry
- District of Columbia Sex Offender Registry
- Florida Sex Offender Registry
- Georgia Sex Offender Registry
- Hawaii Sex Offender Registry
- Idaho Sex Offender Registry
- Illinois Sex Offender Registry
- Indiana – Indiana sex offender registry
- Iowa – Iowa Sex Offender Registry
- Kansas – Kansas Sex Offender Registry
- Kentucky Sex Offender Registry
- Louisiana Sex Offender Registry
- Maine Sex Offender Registry
- Maryland Sex Offender Registry
- Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry
- Michigan Sex Offender Registry
- Minnesota Sex Offender Registry
- Mississippi Sex Offender Registry
- Missouri Sex Offender Registry
- Montana Sex Offender Registry
- Nebraska Sex Offender Registry
- Nevada Sex Offender Registry
- New Hampshire Sex Offender Registry
- New Jersey Sex Offender Registry
- New Mexico – Sex Offender Map New Mexico
- New York – sex offender registry NY
- North Carolina – sex offender registry NC
- North Dakota Sex Offender Registry
- Ohio Sex Offender Registry
- Oklahoma Sex Offender Registry
- Oregon Sex Offender Registry
- Pennsylvania Sex Offender Registry
- Rhode Island – sex offender search Rhode Island
- South Carolina Sex Offender Registry
- South Dakota Sex Offender Registry
- Tennessee Sex Offender Registry
- Texas– Texas sex offender registry
- Utah Sex Offender Registry
- Vermont Sex Offender Registry
- Virginia Sex Offender Registry
- Washington Sex Offender Registry
- West Virginia Sex Offender Registry
- Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry
- Wyoming Sex Offender Registry
Image courtesy of Graeme Weatherston / FreeDigitalPhotos.net